Everyone knows National Geographic.

The first publication of the “journal” was October 1888. The first time a photograph appeared on the cover of National Geographic was July 1959. Yet, the brand was losing relevance – research indicated the brand and publication was thought of as “your grandparents magazine”. And, in today’s digitally connected works, “membership” needed to be more than a paper magazine.

C[IQ] was retained by National Geographic to bring digital life to the brand by re-imagining membership in the National Geographic Society to expand its reach, connect with a young, global audience; and build the foundation for an engaged social platform. This was a multi-year, onsite assignment, requiring cross functional orchestration across the entire organization.


  • Our work began by documenting customer data acquisition across National Geographic’s various digital properties and exploring digital customer engagement opportunities that would support the Society’s mission and purpose:

    “To use the power of science, exploration, education, and storytelling to illuminate and protect the wonder of our world.”

    Our initial research documented 116 data acquisition points across National Geographic’s ecosystem each utilizing 1 of 37 different data capture forms. Our research also suggested a model of engagement connecting Members to:

    + other members

    + explorers

    + research

    + content

    + the diversity of life

    + events

    + the society and

    + the future

    From this engagement model, a number of projects followed: an online Member Center, a real-time member database and a SaaS architecture in which services could interact, and ultimately, the creation of a Membership Platform to support rich Member experiences. CRM and eMail tools would need to be upgraded to support the Members experiences and journeys.

    C[IQ] shepherded the delivery of the ecosystem and Member experiences.

  • The ecosystem laid the groundwork for "Connect with an Explore" which would give Members the ability to participate in photoshoots in the African safari, the Amazon Rainforest and other far away places. Digitally enabled walking tours through historic sites around the world would expand access and education for all. And, digital worlds were planned where kids would learn and explore.

    1.5 million new members registered in the first 10 months after the redesigned Membership Experience went live. My Shot launched shortly after with 5 million+ photo uploads in less than 90 days.

  • A digital vision for Membership and the possibilities it offers can catalyze a 125 year old brand to evolve to become digitally relevant.

Work Product

Amy Maniatis
Brand Consultant
Former CMO National Geographic and Charlotte Russe

“PJ brings such wonderful tech and product knowledge as well as deep experience in customer engagement, personalization, retention, and loyalty, with the added people skills to champion the cultural shift often involved when large and endearing brands get serious about digital!”


Bare Escentuals